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Sunday, February 12, 2012

A milestone to remember

It is our wedding anniversary. We have been married thirty years.

Celebrating a wedding anniversary, particularly a milestone one like this one would not be complete without a proper gift. I have not given many gifts to IS. Even if I did I don't remember many significant ones. I am feeling physically tired and cannot go out looking for gifts ... the materialistic kind. Is there something more special I can do as a gift, more so a gift to remember.

Whatever time has exposed our partnership to .... ups and downs, various kinds of feelings, sometimes warm, sometimes friction or irritation, a few times indifferent!, I am still proud to say that we have held  it together.  In addition to our marriage and raising a family my husband and I have worked together as a team, and despite the impediments, we have soared.

I thought I would do a painting and use some of my humble artistic talent to create a gift for him .... the gift of creativity for me being very precious.

Tsuru or Crane in Japanese symbolises longevity and fidelity. These qualities are a perfect sign of a committed marriage that transcends many ages.

So here's my painting.


My life is full of love and appreciation for my true match in this life and beyond.

Happy anniversary to my best friend and true love.


  1. How beautiful, Yasmeen. May you both be blessed with many long, healthy and happy years together.

  2. Thank you Dipali, for your good wishes
