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Sunday, February 20, 2011

On My Side-Board

This potted orchid was given by a cousin of I's on his birthday. This orchid has been sitting on my side-board for more than five months now. I have tended and watered it regularly. Besides giving it a few glances between sips of my early morning cup of tea I look at it a number of times during the rest of the day as well, and perhaps in response it has been quietly unravelling its beauty only to add to my joy.

I have never tried growing orchids but I really admire the blooms. Orchids have a personality of their own and emit a kind of beauty which seems eternal. The colours, forms and textures sets them apart from other flowers.

Last week the flowers started drying up and perishing one by one. I was helpless. I very much wanted them to last a little longer. Can beauty not last forever? No, and for that matter, nothing does. In short, I was reminded to enjoy everything beautiful. Take the time to stop and look, this does leave an impression on one's mind and its effect hopefully passes on in another form.

I have tried to capture the moods and beauty of this orchid through my ameteur shutter skills (which I hope to improve someday soon!).

1 comment:

  1. How utterly beautiful! I guess the camera is a great way of immortalizing beauty, insofar that is possible!
    The last shot seems to capture the very sublime essence of these orchids.
