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Friday, May 17, 2013

Refreshing !

I am definitely a salad person! Salads accompany most of my meals (not at breakfast ... that would be nice too but in the mornings I prefer fruit).

The summer heat continues to strengthen, with energy levels and appetite naturally reducing as a result; and of course dealing with dehydration is always a challenge, especially for a person like me who completely forgets to drink water, leave alone trying to keep count of the recommended 8 glasses a day!

A nice salad with a lot of texture can be the answer to this.

Although I am perfectly content with simply slicing tomatoes, cucumbers, onions as an accoutrement to a meal, nowadays salads can be a complete meal in their own right - nutritionally packed, light and refreshing. 

Flipping through pages of glossy food magazines / watching food shows on TV (both of which feature among my relaxing pastimes) I got inspired and experimental.

Here are some salads I attempted.  

Beetroot with a yogurt dressing and light tempering of mustard and curry leaves

Lettuce greens, celery, moong sprouts, cherry tomatoes with a honey and mustard dressing

Pasta, chickpeas, cherry tomatoes, paneer and olives with a vinaigrette dressing

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